Since the last recession, the issue of finding and hiring qualified, experienced loggers has become more acute, and in some cases has limited our industry’s ability to expand.

The Adopt a High School program is designed to help loggers recruit, develop, and retain local novice talent. This self-directed toolbox provides contractors with new ways to present their business and their employment opportunities in a positive, professional image.
The program is simple and structured. It’s designed to attract and teach young people with vocational leanings the skills needed to start a career in the woods.
The program allows companies to develop a clear understanding of their workflow and expectations. It also helps them select a qualified candidate without going through multiple job applications and cumbersome probation periods.
Opportunity for Your Company
Instead of waiting for workers to come to you, Adopt a High School brings you and your company to the students and employees of tomorrow.
Your one-on-one involvement provides not only a future workforce, but also the opportunity to redefine any misunderstandings students have about the industry and the logging profession.
Additionally, most regions of North America don’t offer a structured logging apprenticeship program that is designed to attract and teach young loggers the skills they need to begin a career in the woods.
As a solution, the Adopt a High School program was created — a guide designed to assist loggers and trucking contractors develop and retain local novice talent to become valued employees within their companies. It is a means for companies to take proactive steps to engage the available workforce, and position themselves for the future.